Finally got Jekyll to work

It all started when I read my own post on my former WordPress-site about Grunt, that on the site the article was on, there was also a post about getting into Jekyll and later on getting into Github Pages. Since I'm a big fan of both github and really into these static site generators I decided to have a go.

It begins

I’m quite new to grunt and task-running things through Javascript, but I’m very fond of it, and want to use it on everything.

Github gogo

After I got my domain working, I decided to drop the old site and the hosting that is hosted on. Transferring files over FTP is so not me (anymore).

I really like to redesign things whilst producing content in the form of blog posts; So the idea of having it directly on Github surely wasn’t hard to start working towards.

codepen pen arrow-right arrow-down arrow-left twitter github